
How To Permanently Get Rid Of Weeds In Driveway

How to Kill Weeds Permanently

Bye bye weeds...

Everyone wants to get rid of their weeds forever, let me tell you right now - it's not easy. Nature will always find ways and weeds grow anywhere & everywhere.

If you want to kill your weeds permanently then you need to work on it, permanently.

What is a weed?

In essence a weed is a "wild" grown plant that is not wanted and is in competition with plants you want to keep.

That's the dictionary definition but a weed is any plant you don't want to keep in the place it's growing.

It could be those brambles or ivy the last house holder planted and cared for or it could be those little plants that pop up in the cracks of your paving or driveway.

Weeds are either perennials or annuals.

Perennials such as dandelions have a life cycle of more than one year and are typically harder to kill due to their larger root structures. You may have cut the head off but it will grow back again & again..... Forever.

Annuals such as chickweed and hairy bittercress only live for one year and spread their seed for the following year, they are typically easier to kill but they will nearly always grow back unless you kill them before they sow their seed.

Certain types of tree can also be weeds, hollie & horse chestnut both have a habit of showing up in unwanted places and can be very hard to get rid of once they are established.

Woody perennials such as brambles can also be very difficult to kill permanently too.

It is a never ending battle, you cannot stop nature, nor should you want to. You should always try to solve the underlying problems.




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Get Rid of Weeds, Forever

Kiss goodbye to your weeds permanently...

Why are they so hard to kill?

Perennials such as ground elder, horsetail & bindweed are difficult to get rid of via traditional methods because unless you dig out the entire root structure they will eventually return.

Annual weeds spread there seed far and wide, assisted by the wind, pets & people. Their seeds attach them selves to things and spread every year.

You may well get rid of them one year but if your neighbours don't then they will probably come back.

Prevention is the best cure.

Prevention is the best method to kill weeds permanently. If you follow these best practices when planning and maintaining your garden you can prevent weeds in the first place.

It may be a bit of work initially but as long as you do it properly it you can save a lot of time. money and hassle further down the line.

  • Use thick weed control fabric under new paths, patios & driveways.
  • Use weed control sand for the gaps between block paving or driveways.
  • New weed growth should be controlled as soon as possible (kill it ASAP!)
  • Bare soil will be quickly colonised by weeds: plant in it it, mulch it, cover it or lose it.

Weed seeds "sleep" in your soil, they can stay dormant for many, many years waiting for the perfect conditions to pounce. If you disturb the soil the seeds are likely to awake.

When planting new flowers or vegetables in a new untreated area it's best to avoid high power tilers and go easy on the cultivating.

Sow your seeds in mounds of compost above ground, in soil bags or plant seedlings.

One of the most effective and cheapest ways to prevent weeds is to cover them. No sunlight & no room to grow = no weeds. Mulching is a common method and can help improve the health of your soil at the same time.

Common natural mulches include cardboard, newspaper, & straw these will break down over a few months and add nutrients to your soil. Perfect for restoring the health of your soil at the end of the growing season.

Many also choose to cover the area. Using a plastic tarp is a cheap and effective way to kill weeds, just peg it down securely and right on top of the area.

We however prefer carpet, they are efficient and very unlikely to blow away or become slippy. Search your local skips or junkyards for an old carpet.

Once you've cleared your desired area of weeds you should dig up the soil and lay down some weed control fabric.

If you are laying a new path, chipping your driveway or building a patio then ensure you lay weed control fabric underneath. This will prevent future weed problems.

Kill weeds on hard surfaces.

Prevention is the best cure on hard surfaces, once the weed have breached your concrete or chips it can be almost impossible to rid yourself of them permanently.

Use two layers of weed control fabric before laying a new driveway or path.

Leave them too long and weeds will damage your concrete and quickly spread.

Kill weeds forever on your path

Manual control:
Use a small garden knife or hose and dig the weeds out, fill cracks with weed control sand.

Chemical control:
Use GoodGrow weed killer and spray weeds on a warm sunny day, kills right down to the roots.

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Kill weeds forever on your block paving

Read our article on how to kill & prevent weeds on block paving for more information.

Manual control:
Dig out the weeds with a hoe or similar. Spray with vinegar or cover in copious amounts of salt.

Chemical control:
GoodGrow is an effective and long lasting weed killer that's ideally suited for block paving.

Kill weeds forever on your driveway

Manual control:
Burn weeds with weed flame gun, spray with vinegar, dig them out or cover with tarpaulin or carpet.

Chemical control:
Use our combination weed killer and sprayer, it kills down to the roots and kills weeds permanently.

Kill weeds forever on your wall

Manual control:
Spray with vinegar solution, pick them out with gardening knife or burn with flame thrower.

Chemical control:
Good grow is a systemic weed killer that kills 99% of weeds forever.

Kill weeds forever on your patio

Manual control:
Prevention is the best cure, spray with vinegar. Once dead fill area with weed control sand.

Chemical control:
Good grow weed killer is a cheap, long lasting, safe & effective weed killer for patios.

Kill weeds on your lawn.

Prevention is the best cure, ensure your lawn as adequate drainage and nutrients, applying a lawn fertilizer once a year will help the grass "out grow" any weeds.

You can read an in depth article about the perfect lawn here.

Getting rid of weeds on your lawn can be tricky. It is best to try and identify your lawn weeds before applying any treatments.

You will most likely require a selective herbicide.

If your preparing a new lawn with seeds then how you begin and ensuring you prepare correctly you can prevent weeds from taking over your lawn, the same applies when your re-seeding too.

Manual control:
Eliminate weeds with a daisy picker or by hand. Moss can be prevented by aerating, spiking, improved drainage and raking.

Chemical control:
A weed and feed product is ideal to control weeds and nourish your lawn with rich nutrients.

Glyphosate gel can also be applied to specific weeds. as it will only kill what it touches.

Kill unwanted vegetation.

Prevention is key here but it's likely you want to kill an already established bush, tree or plant.

The longer they have been established the harder it is to kill.

They will likely have dormant seeds in the soil and a deep root structure, miss one bit and they'll grow back.

One mans weed is another mans cared for plant. Personally we have several brambles in our garden and our children have had many years of fun fruit gathering from them.

Some friends have killed theirs because their pets or children were hurt by their thorns.

How to kill brambles permanently

Brambles are a problem in gardens across the UK, left unchecked they will grow larger and further.

They can grow in a variety of locations and have a deep root structure, this makes them especially difficult to kill once established.

Manual control:

  • Cut back thorny stems to about 30cm from ground level
  • Dig out the roots and bramble stump taking as much as you can.
  • If you miss any it may regrow. Burn the stems, do not compost.

Chemical control

  • Cut back the stems but leave plenty leaf and green area to absorb the weed killer
  • Spray good grow weed killer over the green leafs and stems (April - August)
  • Leave for 2-4 weeks if regrowth occurs apply again
  • Once brown and dead dig out and dispose of  or leave to rot away.

Need to get rid of brambles? Read How to Kill Brambles

How to kill ivy permanently

Killing ivy on trees is tough and I would recommend you consult a professional to look at your situation as it's not always a bad thing.

Ivy can enable a range of wildlife to thrive and survive in your tree.

This guide is for killing Ivy growing on hard surfaces such as walls or from the ground in your garden excluding grass.

  • Cut back and dig up all stems and woody roots.
  • Alternatively cut back all top growth, lay weed control fabric plus 15cm of bark, leave for 2 seasons.

Chemical control:

  • Use good grow sprayer system and good squeeze of dish soap.
  • Coat leaves and stems ensuring not to spray on other plants
  • Leave for 1 month, if regrowth appears reapply treatment

Ivy is quite tough to kill permanently with chemicals or manual action, it can quickly regrow and spread if you don't dig it all out.

It's waxy surface also prevents most weed killers from penetrating it properly, be patient and you will eventually get rid of it.

What are the best treatments?

To kill weeds permanently in your garden, patio, path, drive or borders we recommend Glyphosate weed killer.

Glyphosate is the  most widely used weed killer in the world and is strong, safe & reliably eliminates most weeds in one application.

  • Kills right down to the roots so they don't grow back in one spray.
  • Kills 99% of garden weeds including tough ones like brambles & ivy.
  • No need to exclude children or pets from the area (once dry)
  • Leaves no residues so it's safe to replant afterwards
  • Breaks down in the soil and doesn't affect soil health
  • Kills from inside out, down to the roots, gone forever.
  • Easy to use, just pour it, spray it, leave it.

If you're looking to kill your weeds permanently then click here or the button below.

Moved in and the fence was covered in ivy hated it. The weed killer sorted it, great. Also loads of stingers.


Marilyn Garside

Excellent product for clearing away weeds

My garage is at the bottom of my garden and the access is via a little used driveway providing access to 4 or 5 properties and then becoming a footpath with public right of way. The pathway is completely overgrown and the other properties no longer use the driveway, it is therefore covered with grass, weeds and other foliage. The weed killer has killed it off completely and it has gone yellow and is dying down. The weed killer has killed it off completely and it has gone yellow and is dying down. Excellent performance.


Robert Markie

Stunningly successful - weeds brambles etc go never to return

Paths ,-Patio, drive (shingle) Highly


David Thompson

Large areas of gravel drive and flagged areas. Killed everything in one application as long as you apply it on a dry preferably sunny day and no rain for 24hours. Then two weeks later all weeds dead.


James Berry

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How To Permanently Get Rid Of Weeds In Driveway


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